Thursday 16 April 2020


I have been a scuba diving professional since a very short time so far, but during all of my training and in my whole diving educational path I had the opportunity of meeting and learning from many instructors, all of them with different backgrounds and life experience.

From all of them, whom hereby I thank from my hearth, I could develop my own diving philosophy and teaching style. Nevertheless, I still use my own personal judgement when learning and I do not just take any information received as a unique and immutable truth - rather investigating and trying different configurations, habits and styles in order to meet the safest and most reasonable practices.

Following the web media of major diving agencies I noticed that they are full of wonderful and colorful pictures and videos, with the purpose of luring new potential customers, but they all really lack in concrete theoretical but also practical contents about how to develop diving good practices and safety, leaving all the responsibility to the single instructors. On the other hand tech agencies, whilst very punctual and precise, often use a scientific approach that may result boring or too complicated for newbies.

For this reason I am starting this blog, with the hope of being in the condition of explaining and sharing, with a simple language, solid awareness towards "scuba diving good practices" to be implemented by divers but also by dive professionals in their day-to-day activity. In fact, I am strongly convinced that prior to thinking about becoming professionals, divers shall focus and work hard on responsible practices, aiming for excellence and learning correct protocols and skills. Only this way a professional can be a good example for his future students.

I’d like to say loud and clear that I am not here for teaching anybody and I am not so arrogant to tell people what they should do - or not do. I want this blog to be an opportunity of contribution to scuba diving good practices and I am happy to learn from all of your opinions, experiences and suggestions, whether you are a scuba professional or not!

Please feel free to contribute with your own comments and ideas!

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In one of the first articles on my blog we discussed about smoking and its consequences on scuba diving ( https://scubadivinggoodpractices.b...